Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Another journey to Motherhood

I haven't posted anything here since Angel's graduation, March 2012 and I guess I can say I've been really busy.

Here are thee highlights of each month that I was not able to post anything. So, yes! expect this entry to be a long one ;)


My 4th month pregnant and I've been constantly losing weight for no apparent reason and well I've been hospitalized twice this month for pre-term labor. I know! It's still too early :/


This month was bad. I was on bed rest for the whole month. I was not confined in the hospital but I was advised to stay home for a whole month. I only went to work for 5 days, I think. I officially finished all my leaves.
Well, on the upperhand, this month was also Angel's enrollment :) We were extra excited with the whole gradeschool thing and of course! She'll be wearing the gradeschool uniform.


June went on quite fast. I enjoyed this month. It was about shopping! shopping and more shopping :)
Before the school year started, we went Barbie shopping for Angel's school supplies. We had her books and notebooks labeled. Aside from the school shopping which was of course necessary, we also bought a few stuff for our baby girl, Sophia :)


Just 6 days after my baby shower, I gave birth. 8 weeks too early. I gave birth on July 21st to a beautiful baby girl. She had to stay in the hospital for 12 days and during that time, the hospital became my home too. I made new friends. Mothers mostly, from the breastfeeding room.


I was happy to finally bring home my baby girl! After 12 dreadful days in the hospital, it was bliss to finally be home. Away from all the IV, the tubes, oxygen and incubator.

Finally I felt what it feels like to be a mother of two. :)


September has always been a "YAY" month for us because of Angel's birthday. She turned 7 this year but unfortunately, we weren't able to have a big celebration because I was supposedly going to give birth on her birthday. So when I gave birth early, we didnt have much time to prepare. This year, we just celebrated by surprising her on her big day. We gave her the "suite" life experience and I did some labor of love by baking her choice of cake for her birthday. I did it all from scratch and I was actually proud of the outcome :)

Aside from this, we had another event this month, the Christening of our 2nd born, Baby S :)
Apologies for the facebook snapshots and credits to my sister-in-law for these beautiful pictures.


Before going to back to work, I made sure I spent each day with Angel and Sophia. We had random dates and I picked her up from school everyday. We went on parlor dates, pig-out dates, tea parties, church dates, crepe dates and the list goes on. Here are some snapshots of our sweet escapes.

Let's not forget the most awaited time of the year, HALLOWEEN!! Angel dressed up as Cleopatra this year. Her Cleo de Nile inspired costume won best dress in one of the events we attended ;)


             Finally November, our family time. We go out less and stay at home most of the time.

I am still overwhelmed with how much weight my cutie patootie gained. Cutest baby everrrr!

That wraps up my April to November.


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